
A Proactive Approach


  • We involve and educate our patients every step of the way.
  • We promote positive lifestyle changes.
  • We empower our patients to take control of their recovery, providing the most efficient and effective use of their time and money.
  • We involve your entire healthcare team in our care plans. 
  • We strive to be your physical therapist for life.

Spine Care Program


Proactive Physical Therapy’s Spine Care Program relies on a thorough evaluation beginning with a patient interview to learn more about you and how your injury is impacting your quality of life.

A comprehensive examination and evaluation will direct the most evidence-based treatment interventions for your specific injury.



Spinal Mobilization/Manipulation

Progressive Loading Exercises

McKenzie Exercises (directional preference)

Neural Mobilization

Pain Reducing Modalities (when indicated)

Education for Self Management

Return to Work or Sport Training

If you are experiencing dizziness, gait deviations, balance issues, or suffering from post-concussion syndrome we can help.  

The vestibular system is very complex. Vestibular issues can be debilitating and lead to a decline in activity, poor gait, and catastrophic falls. The vestibular system can be altered from a variety of factors including surgery, infection, aging, disease, activity level, or even positional vertigo (BPPV). A careful evaluation is the key to the right treatment or medical referral if necessary. 

Vestibular Rehab 


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What is Vestibular Rehab?

Vestibular Physical Therapy retrains the brain to recognize and process signals from the vestibular system to develop normal responses to movement and alleviate symptoms. This involves desensitizing the system through various movements and positions that may provoke symptoms.

  • Allergies
  • Head Trauma (car accidents, falls, impact sports)
  • Aging
  • Medications
  • Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Ear Infections
  • Stroke and brain injury
  • Meniere's Disease
  1. A qualified and licensed Physical Therapist will first perform a thorough evaluation. This includes special tests as well as observing posture, balance, movement, and compensatory strategies.
  2. Using the results of the evaluation, the therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan that may include specific head and body motions, eye movement and exercises in order to strengthen muscles and increase tolerance for certain stimuli.

Positional vertigo (BPPV) is typically resolved fast with treatment. Often times we can clear this in 1-3 sessions!

Some of the exercises and activities for chronic vestibular conditions may cause an increase in symptoms at first as the body and brain attempt to sort out the new pattern of movements. With time and consistent work, the coordination of signals from the eyes, inner ear and sensory system will occur. Dizziness will decrease, and balance, gait and quality of life will improve.


Other Services

The philosophy of Proactive Physical Therapy is to establish a relationship with our patients in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. We feel that our patients deserve a positive environment and a personalized rehab program that suits their lifestyle and offers practical solutions. We strive to make physical therapy as positive an experience as possible incorporating a variety of interventions to stimulate change and recovery. You will see the same physical therapist every session allowing a level of comfort and communication necessary for the best possible outcome in the shortest amount of time.

Sports Medicine + Athletic Performance

Ergonomics + Repetitive Use

Foot + Ankle Therapy

Joint Replacement Rehab

Rotator Cuff Therapy

Balance Training + Fall Prevention

Shoulder Impingement

"Game Ready" Vasopneumatic Compression Therapy


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Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED

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